Are you a car dealer? |
If you are a car dealer and do not have a website yet or you would like to try something else, this might be your solution. The price is a start price for your page then there will be a monthly cost for webhotel, SQL-server and domain. Please check out the site. Any bugfix for the site is free. Your only concern is add the cars you want to sell and administrate the site by yourself with an easy cms system which you will have access at all time. |
Available |
1500DKK |
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Having a party? |
If you are considering having a huge party and you need to keep track of who is coming this could be your solution. Any bugfix is free. |
Available |
500DKK |
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Needs demo crm? |
This is a demo crm with features for a crm system. The crm system is not done but the source code is available. |
Available |
1000DKK |
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Needs demo sound submitting system? |
This is a demo sound submitting system. The system is not done but the source code is availble. This system can be developed if there is a request for it. Login: user:test pass:test |
Available |
500DKK |
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Needs a webshop? |
Considering having your own webshop might be a big step for your company or just you as a person. Don't worry there are lot of open source shops like: nopCommerce, Oscommerce, ZenChart, VirtueMart, Magneto, PrestaShop, CubeChart, OpenChart. Open source means anyone have access to the source code. The price covers deployment of the shop. Please feel free to ask any question related to the product. |
In Progress |
500DKK |
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Playing in a band? |
If you are playing in a band and do not have your own site yet or you want to try something else this could be your solution. This site shows gallery of the events you played, showing new tour dates, news, discography, description of the band, fanclub wich you can send newsletters to, merch shop etc. Any bugfix for the site is free. |
Available |
1500DKK |
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